Amerikan Borsaları   Son Fark % Saat
T300 Comp. Toronto (Delayed) 18460,21 0,00 %0 16:20
Argentina MERVAL (Delayed) 2412081,50 0,00 %0 17:00
All Ordinaries, Sydney 8195,50 10,00 %0,12 04:00
Turkcell Newyork 6,22 0,14 %2,3 15:59
Nasdaq 100 (End of day) 19798,62 -118,37 %-0,59 15:59
DJ Industrial (End of day) 42299,70 -155,09 %-0,37 15:59
Nasdaq Composite(End of day) 17804,03 -94,99 %-0,53 15:59
T300 Comp. Toronto (Delayed) 18.460,21 0,00 %0.00 16:20
Argentina MERVAL (Delayed) 2.412.081,50 0,00 %0.00 17:00
All Ordinaries, Sydney 8.195,50 10,00 %0.12 04:00
Turkcell Newyork 6,22 0,14 %2.30 15:59
Nasdaq 100 (End of day) 19.798,62 -118,37 %-0.59 15:59
DJ Industrial (End of day) 42.299,70 -155,09 %-0.37 15:59
Nasdaq Composite(End of day) 17.804,03 -94,99 %-0.53 15:59
Avrupa Borsaları   Son Fark % Saat
PX50 Prag (Delayed) 1324,80 7,07 %0,54 16:23
TecDax Performance Index (Delayed) 3177,06 22,59 %0,72 17:55
ATX Index Vienna (Delayed) 4264,54 -14,00 %-0,33 17:44
Athens Composite Index (Delayed) 1735,68 -10,50 %-0,6 18:19
PX50 Prag (Delayed) 1.324,80 7,07 %0.54 16:23
TecDax Performance Index (Delayed) 3.177,06 22,59 %0.72 17:55
ATX Index Vienna (Delayed) 4.264,54 -14,00 %-0.33 17:44
Athens Composite Index (Delayed) 1.735,68 -10,50 %-0.60 18:19
Asya ve Uzakdoğu Borsaları   Son Fark % Saat
Straits Times (Delayed) 2589,65 50,37 %1,98 10:28
Taiwan Weighted (Delayed) 22459,15 -116,92 %-0,52 08:00
Seoul Composite (Delayed) 2557,98 -49,17 %-1,89 09:29
Shanghai Composite 3351,31 -22,44 %-0,67 14:59
Bombay SENSEX (Delayed) 77414,92 -191,51 %-0,25 12:59
Nikkei 225 (Delayed) 37799,97 -227,32 %-0,6 14:00
Hang Seng HK 23426,60 -152,20 %-0,65 15:59
Straits Times (Delayed) 2.589,65 50,37 %1.98 10:28
Taiwan Weighted (Delayed) 22.459,15 -116,92 %-0.52 08:00
Seoul Composite (Delayed) 2.557,98 -49,17 %-1.89 09:29
Shanghai Composite 3.351,31 -22,44 %-0.67 14:59
Bombay SENSEX (Delayed) 77.414,92 -191,51 %-0.25 12:59
Nikkei 225 (Delayed) 37.799,97 -227,32 %-0.60 14:00
Hang Seng HK 23.426,60 -152,20 %-0.65 15:59